Terms & Conditions
General terms act between the customer (hereinafter stated as the Client) and the seller (the owner of the web shop ledermanz.com) in order to determine the rules and order of the purchase-sale , as well as to help the arbitrating the matters related with the legal liabilities of both parties.
- The purchase order in the web shop ledermanz.com is regulated by the Regulations No.255 issued by the Cabinet in May 20, 2014 „Regulations about the distance contract”, as well as “ the Law of the protection of the customers” .
- The goods, pictures of the goods and prices in the web shop ledermanz.com are for the informative purposes only and the application of above information doesn’t form any legal liabilities between the visitor and the owner of the web shop.The owner of the web shop ledermanz.com is not responsible for the transfer of the parameters and colours of the pictures displayed in the web shop ledermanz.com to the monitor of the Client’s computer.The owner of the web shop ledermanz.com holds the unilateral right to make changes in the general rules as well as in a price list of the offered goods and in the reflection of it in any moment.The orders, which are confirmed before the changes , has the same rules , which were effective in the moment of the confirmation of the order.The changes are considered as valid from the moment , when they are published in the web site of the web shop ledermanz.com.
- The rights and liabilities of the web shop ledermanz.com regarding the processing of the data of physical persons are regulated by the legal norms valid in the territory of the Republic of Latvia ,including Law About the Protection of the Data of the Physical Persons. The web shop ledermanz.com uses the personal data of the Client only for the fulfillment of an order.Web shop ledermanz.com doesn’t discover the personal data of the Client to the third persons , except the cases , which are provided in the laws of the Republic of Latvia and case, which are provided for processing of an order and the delivery of it.The Client has the right to request the complete deleting of his personal data from the clients’ data base of the web shop ledermanz.com.
- In the case, if any of the items of the general terms are not clear in it’s factual translation , then it is being interpreted in accordance of the valid legislation of the Republic of Latvia , taking into consideration the initial goals of the web shop ledermanz.com and the Client.Disputes and disagreements , which are related to the fulfillment of the general terms , are solved through mutual conversations.In the cases, when the agreement is not reached , the dispute is relegated to the Court in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Latvia.
- The Client confirms , that he have read the usage instructions , delivery and payment terms and agrees with them by confirming an order.
Making an Order
- The Client orders the goods and the web shop ledermanz.com ensures the delivery of an order. An order is considered the list with one or multiple titles of the goods (positions) , which are combined with one order number and contains an information about the goods as follows: 1)title, 2)quantity 3) price, 4) delivery place and other terms of the delivery and payment.
- The confirmation of an Order will be considered valid , when the payment about the order from the Client is received in the designated bank account of the web shop ledermanz.com.
- After the successful processing of an order , the information about an order will be sent to an e-mail designated by the Client.
- If the quantity of an order , processed by the Client , exceeds the number of the available goods in the seller’s stock , the the seller informs the Client about it by sending and e-mail to the e-mail address designated by the Client in the moment of registering or by telephone.
- The Bank commission and other extra fees during the payment process of an order is covered by the Client.
- Prices of the goods available in the web shop ledermanz.com are showed in EURO currency (EUR) with VAT (Value Added Tax) and without delivery costs.
- The Client makes the payment about the goods in Euro currency (EUR), reposing on the invoices issued by the seller .
- The web shop ledermanz.com holds the right to make changes in the price list.If the Client made and order before the changes in the prices , then the price , which had been valid in the moment of the confirmation of an order , is in force ,by the rule , that the order wasn’t cancelled.
Returning of the goods
- The Client has the right to resign from the ordered goods within 14 days from the receipt.The returning of the goods is possible only in cases , if the external look of them hasn’t been changed and the goods are in their original packing and with original markings.
- The seller has the right to decline the returning of the goods by the Client or , in some cases, to detain the compensation , if the good is not being returned in the original packing , the packing is seriousely damaged , there are noticed the signs of the good being used , scratches or similar defects , in accordance with the Law of The Protection of The Rights of The Customers.
- The Client is responsible for keeping the quality and safety of the Goods in the whole period of his right of the resigning term.
- The Client has the right to replace the good with analogical one within 14 days , if the colour , size or whole set of it is not satisfying him , with a rule , that the appearance of the good, its usage qualities and original packing is kept.
- In the cases , when the Goods are being replaced and they have differences in prices, the Client must cover the difference.The difference must be covered by the payment to the designated bank account.
- The money to the Client is being returned after the Client has submitted the application in written form. In case of cancellation, the web shop ledermanz.com refund the money. The repayment shall be made not later than within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of application for the exercise of the right of withdrawal. Web shop ledermanz.com reimburses this amount using the same means of payment as used by the consumer. / https://likumi.lv/doc.php?id=23309 Article 12, paragraph 6.
- The costs of the returning of the goods are covered by the Client.
Web shop ledermanz.com does everything , what depends on it , to make deliveries in the stated terms , but anyway there is possibility of delays in deliveries due to the reasons not depending from the Seller. In the cases , when deliveries are delayed due to the force majeure or conditions caused by the third parties, the Client is going to be informed about the delay by the e-mail, designated by him.
- In the cases, when the Client by the receipt of the goods notices , that there are no corresponding items or there are wrong sizes , colours or any other non-compliances, the client must inform about the above the web shop ledermanz.com immediately .
- In the cases , when the goods are not delivered to the Client due to the loss of it, which had arised due to the fault of the post office’s, OMNIVA, courier’s employees , the Seller compensates the fully paid value of the goods and delivery only after it has received the confirmation of the loss or compensation from the post authorities.
- The deliveries are made only in working days, except official State holidays of the Republic of Latvia.
- The delivery is made to the Client or the person , which is determined in an order as a consignee of an order.The delivery address must be specified accurately.A precise telephone number must be specified , by which a consignee can be reached.
Other terms
- The web shop ledermanz.com has a responsibility against the Client in the case of setting the Rules at defiance , evaluating each case , and in the volumes and order as it is regulated by the legislation of the Republic of Latvia.
- The Client has a responsibility against the web shop ledermanz.com in the case of setting the Rules at defiance , evaluating each case , and in the volumes and order as it is regulated by the legislation of the Republic of Latvia.
- Both Parties are not responsible for non-fulfillment or unsufficient fulfillment of the liabilities , if the non-fulfillment or unsufficient fulfillment has appeared in the conditions of force majeure.The force majeure conditions are considered as fire, nature disasters, epidemics, explosions and similar force majeure conditions, which disturbs the Parties to fulfill their liabilities.The Party must inform another party about appearance of such conditions immediately.
- The web shop ledermanz.com doesn’t compensate the moral losses , which , by the consideration of the Client, can arise due to the changes in delivery term , price and other conditions , which are mentioned in these Terms.
- The web shop ledermanz.com doesn’t compensate the Client’s possible expenses in case , if the Client has assumed the lialbilities, which can conflict with the main rules of these Terms against the third parties , and these liabilities can be breached.
- The web shop ledermanz.com doesn’t compensate to the Client the unused chances, which has arised due to the delivery terms, prices as well as changes of another conditions related with the changes of the Terms.
- The Seller is not responsible for the losses , which has arised to the Client due to the improper usage of the Good.
- The Seller is not responsible for the content and function of an outward sites.
- The Seller has the right to give or deliver his rights and liabilities in the relationship of the Client in any other way to the third parties for the fulfillment of an order.